Meet a Forester, Jacque Buchanan


This month, we are pleased to feature Jacqueline A Buchanan, Regional Forester for the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region. 

What was your first position in the field of forestry? 

401 Biologist/Resource staff.

How long have you been in your role? 

33 years in USDA, 20 years as a Line Officer USFS, Deputy Regional Forester for 8 ½ years, and Regional Forester since January 14, 2024.

What do you enjoy most about being a Western Forestry Leadership Coalition (WFLC) member? 

The strong connections and relationships.

What do you see to be the emerging issues in your region? 

Variability in Industry Markets, Economic Shifts, Challenges with Climate Variability. 

What is your favorite hobby? 

Upland Bird Hunting/Fly Fishing.